What Is Domain Name Registration?

Basically domain name registration gives you ownership of a domain name.

Domain name registration is the process that gives you the ability to own a domain name. Domain name registration does nothing else. There are many services that can be purchased for use with your domain name but these services are not part of your domain name registration. Domain name registration only gives you ownership of a domain name. The guidelines of domain name registration are located below.

  1. A domain name can be up to 63 characters PLUS the extension. (.com, .org .net)

  2. A domain name can have characters or numbers. (a-z, 0-9)

  3. A domain name cannot contain spaces.

  4. A domain name can contain dashes. (some-text-here.ext)

  5. Domain names are registered on a first come basis. This is subject to any trademark, legal or Internic rules or changes.

  6. Once you register a domain name, it's yours as long as you pay the applicable domain name registration fees when they are due.


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